The hybrid program is devised as a partnership. By definition, partners share in some action or endeavor. To share is to divide up the tasks or workload. Legacy will serve in the role of expert and guide in academic matters, and parents will serve as experts and guides of their children. Generally speaking, Legacy will provide assessments, curriculum, instruction, assignments, tutoring (one-on-one and small group), planning, accountability, support, and communication. In turn, parents shall provide transportation, organization, discipline, feedback, instruction, accountability, support, and communication. As you can see and will find, some of these roles overlap while others are unique to each position.

Legacy's Director
Nick Glatzer, M.Ed., founded Legacy Christian Learning Center in July of 2016. After 14 years in public education, he answered the call to offer Christian parents in the Mahoning Valley another schooling option.​
Our Story
Welcome to Legacy Christian Learning Center! I am so excited to share with you this work that God is doing right here in Mahoning County. Legacy Christian Learning Center is the result of 14 years as a public educator intersecting with the dilemma of where to send our oldest child to kindergarten. For many, LCLC presents a brand new approach to education, but this model has been inspired by schools around the country already doing this in various ways.
Our hybrid approach has emerged out of the following core questions. As both an educator and a parent, I have often asked myself:
Does every kid need to be in school for 7 hours every day?
Is “the classroom” the only place kids can/do learn?
Who determines the “pace” for our family/student- Culture? The government? or Us?
Should 5-year olds learn how to behave from other 5-year olds?
Can we afford private school and sustain it with four kids? Is it worth that $?
What does it mean to “bring our children up in the training and instruction of the LORD”?
Are other families feeling the same way?
As my wife and I pondered these questions, we began wrestling with what to do about our kid’s schooling. We started dreaming about the ideal educational experience for our family’s circumstances. As we visited schools and researched our options, I began picking out some of the best elements of each model and formulating a picture in my heart of our family’s dream situation.
Simultaneously that same year, I began sensing that my time as a public school teacher was coming to an end. Finally, we made a decision. We would homeschool our kids and invite anyone who felt the same call to come along for the ride. So, with the blessing and encouragement of my wife, Legacy Christian Learning Center was born.

Legacy Christian Learning Center exists to partner with Christian parents in the education of their children.

Our Goals
For families, we hope to:
Help them set their own pace leading to a more cohesive family rhythm.
Allow them to take control and have more oversight of their children’s academic and spiritual instruction.
Provide expertise of well-trained educators to support and empower parents.
Connect them with like-minded people.
For students, we hope to:
“Lay a foundation” and “plant & water seeds” that will lead to students who “taste and see that God is good” and in turn passionately desire Him (the Cornerstone of the foundation and the Source of life).
Leverage their natural curiosity to inspire the joy of learning and encourage them to take responsibility (ownership) for their own learning.
Develop good thinkers, not just good people; meaning students who can reason critically and biblically, resulting in disciples that know HOW to think (reason), not just what to think (information).
Tap into their natural talents, interests, strengths, and giftings in order to help them discover their unique role in God’s Kingdom.
Prepare them for what awaits them in this life/world, both good and evil.